As we close out the last year of this decade, this month will bring some challenges and shifts that will get us ready for the major energy of January.
December 2nd brings Jupiter moving into Capricorn! If you did the preparation and hard work, it will pay off now! If you were self indulgent over the past year, you will be tasked with doing the right thing and consequences will come to bear.
December 9th has Mercury moving into Sagittarius. Our thoughts will be lighter and what we think can have the ability to manifest, so use your energy wisely!
December 11th brings a Full Moon at 19 degrees and 52 minutes of Gemini at 10:12pm MST. You have the ability to create your reality. Are you using that awareness? Are you using your mindset and energy to manifest what you want or are you falling into fear?
On December 19th Venus moves into Aquarius. Humanitarian thinking and connection is what you crave now. This time will ask you to accept people who they are and see the opportunity in every relationship and meeting.
December 21st is the Winter Solstice! This is officially the start of Winter in the Northern Hemisphere and Summer in the Southern Hemisphere. The Sun enters Capricorn at 9:20pm MST. It is now a time to do what is right, live by the rules and master them to get the most benefit.
December 25th is a New Moon Solar Eclipse at 4 degrees and 7 minutes of Capricorn. Focus on the meaning of gift giving - quality over quantity.
December 28th Mercury moves into Capricorn at 9:55pm MST. Your thinking moves into structure, order, and discipline. This is a perfect time to start thinking about your New Year's resolutions and determine what you want to manifest in the New Year. Your thinking has the discipline to create a program and execute it. The key will be to stay with the momentum of this Mercury and keep it going when Mercury moves into Pisces on February 3rd, which may be challenging as Pisces likes to go with their feelings over discipline. No wonder so many resolutions fail! How you overcome this is to rely on the gifts inherent in chart.

November starts fresh on a Mercury Retrograde. With Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio, we are urged to go deep into our thoughts and our own healing. With the Sun in Scorpio most of this month, it will be a time of deep introspection and past incidents coming to the surface to be healed.
November 1st starts with Venus entering Sagittarius. Venus in Sagittarius is about learning more about things you love. Venus in Sagittarius is about jokes, smiles, laughter, and big dreams. It is a time to have some fun and learn some new things that make you excited about life!
November 11th Mercury in Retrograde meets up with the Sun at 19 degrees of Scorpio. Today will be a day of sharp wit and tongue - maybe even to the point which the feelings you were hiding come to the surface, whether you like it or not. This is a time of penetrating awareness to what is beneath the current situation.
November 12th brings a Full Moon at 19 degrees and 51 minutes of Taurus at 6:35am MST. A Full Moon is when the Sun and the Moon are in opposite signs. At the time of this Full Moon, the Moon is in Taurus and the Sun is in Scorpio. The Taurus - Scorpio axis has to do with stabilizing of self, your own resources, and your environment with that of how you deal with other people's resources, how your health is affected by the lessons you learn in this lifetime.
Taurus is a fixed earth sign. Taurus is reliable, patient, stable, and very practical. They are devoted and commit to actions they said they would take. They can be stubborn (fixed), possessive of what they worked hard for, and can be uncompromising if they feel they are right. Taurus love to be in nature. They typically love gardening, flowers, cooking, musics, and the finer things in life. When they are creating with their hands, they are letting their souls come out to play. Being a fixed sign, they have a hard time with sudden changes and complications. They are grounded, loyal friends, and that will be with you to the end if you show them the love and appreciation they desire.
Complicating this Full Moon, Mercury Retrograde in Scorpio is sitting with the Sun at this time. This will be a time of deep reflecting on what has happened in the past and how you want to heal from that now. The gift that Mercury is gifting you now is that of regeneration and re-evaluation that comes with the illumination of the Full Moon. The topics coming up in your life will show you what is in need of your attention for deep introspection. They will likely have a respect component to it - such as lack of respect for the work you put in at work. Or for the lack of acknowledgement for all your contributions made in a certain aspect of your life. Taurus loves to be appreciated, so where your hard work and effort is not being validated will likely feel like a sore spot for you.
This Full Moon in Taurus is asking you to be kind and warm-hearted, and eager to help people, but don't allow yourself to be manipulated by them. During this Full Moon you will likely experience a desire to be respected for the things you do but not be taken advantage of for doing them without recognition. Stay strong to your heart and desires, but don't let others take advantage of your good nature.
November 19th brings Mars entering into Scorpio energizing health, healing, regeneration, and actively letting go of what no longer serves you.
November 20th has Mercury going Stationary Direct. A few days before and a few days after will be an intense time for our communication, cognition, coordination, and accuracy. A planet is the most powerful when it is hardly moving - which is Stationary Retrograde or Stationary Direct. Mathematically it is changing direction, and this change of direction requires force and fortitude. It can be a time of misunderstandings, miscommunications, and delays in travel schedules. Re-read those emails and texts, and do nothing hastily. Mercury will not be going over the same degrees it did back to where it was on October 12th. It won't be fully out of shadow until December 8th, so it is best to wait till then if you can to sign contracts or make a deal on something big. Of course life happens, so just take all precautions if you cannot wait.
November 25th Venus moves from the fiery, fun-loving sign of Sagittarius into the much more serious and grounded sign of Capricorn. Venus in Capricorn is concerned with stability, wealth, and achievement. It wants to be notices for its service and fortitude. Venus in Capricorn likes things that are going to last, saving up for nice things, and taking care of what we already have. It is a time to budget wisely with your money and plan ahead to any Christmas expenditures so that it does not break the bank.
November 26th brings a New Moon at 4 degrees and 3 minutes of Sagittarius at 8:05am MST. This New Moon is going to lighten things up from the previous Full Moon. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. It loves to be free and to learn through doing. Ever tell a Sagittarius not to do something and then watch them do it anyways? It is because they just need to have the experience to understand the lesson. S
Sagittarius typically rules the 9th house of philosophy, higher learning, long distance travel, and higher mind. Sagittarius is generous and idealistic by nature, with a great sense of humour. They need freedom and discovery in their lives or they grow restless and bored. Because they have such generous hearts, they have to watch that they don't promise more than they can deliver. Sagittarius is known to have no filter - they say what they want to say and then think about it later. They truly speak from their heart. They love being outdoors, and typically love understanding the world at a deep philosophical level. They need freedom, so clingy people, rules, and details make them run for the hills.
This New Moon is asking you to look within and ask yourself what is your goal in this lifetime? What is your mission or philosophy in life, and are you living it? Create a goal that gives your life meaning by the standards of your own philosophy of life, and then set out to achieve and live it every day. The Moon in Sagittarius is optimistic, and it will help you to see that all that your soul desires is actually a compass to your destiny in this lifetime. Always believe things will get better, even if you find you are at a stumbling block or impasse. Just follow the compass in your intuition - your dreams. This is the compass of your soul.
November 27th brings Neptune moving direct at 15 degrees and 55 minutes of Pisces. Neptune has been Retrograde in Pisces since June 21st. Neptune is the planet responsible for our spiritual side, idealism, the fog, deception, and delusion. It is considered the higher octave of Venus - unconditional love, spiritual love, and universal oneness. Neptune is a subtle planet. When it goes direct, the momentum will shift into greater clarity for spiritual matters. Follow your intuition, look within for the healing that has taken place since June 21st, and it will feel like more makes sense to you now.
Wishing you a wonderful November!

Astrology for October
The energy changes quite a bit from September to October. The creative and light energy of September gives way to the more deep investigative energy of October.
October 3rd Mercury goes into Scorpio. This is a great aspect for investigating or getting to the heart of a problem. Mercury is Scorpio does not like small talk. It likes deep meaningful conversations about topics that maybe a little or a lot taboo.
October 3rd is a busy day, as Mars also moves into Libra and Pluto moves stationary direct. Mars in Libra makes for diplomatic conversations, and negotiations that are peaceful and harmonious. We can all use a Libra Mars during this time. Think of Brexit and trade missions being strengthened and helped by this aspect.
Pluto moving direct will sit at the 21st degree of Capricorn until December. Pluto moving direct is once again about have the structures in your life. Those structures will be undergoing a revolution, changing to better support your deepest desires and passions. Pluto in Capricorn is determination, purposeful, overhauling, and freeing.
On October 8th, Venus goes into Scorpio. Venus in Scorpio attracts people with a deep willingness to commit. This is intense loyalty, passion, and sexuality. While Venus is in Scorpio, we are driven to be focused, passionate, and seek out experiences that ring true to the heart of us. We will want to explore the depths of what makes things tick, and help bring meaning to that which lives below the light.
On October 13th at 3:08pm MST we have a Full Moon at 20 degrees and 14 minutes of Aries. The Moon will be in fiery cardinal Aries, with the Sun opposite in the sky in Libra. This Full Moon is packed with a punch. Aries fire wants to start something personal and exciting that aligns with our passions. The Libra Sun wants balance and harmony and does not want to offend anyone.
Aries is a cardinal fire sign. It likes to start things, and move ahead quickly. They are straightforward, ambitious, and active. When they get an idea, they must act on it quickly, sometimes to the detriment of planning ahead to stave off mishaps and pitfalls of starting without a plan. Are courageous, determined, and confident, and passionate. On the shadow side, an Aries can be impatient, impulsive, and maybe seen as aggressive as they drive to their goals. You will likely find an Aries in a leadership or business role, and they love to take on challenges. They usually have a lot of energy, as their ruling planet is Mars. They need to find ways to discharge this energy, or they can find that energy imploding by way of headaches, stomach upsets, and even ulcers. A happy Aries is on time, probably early, actively using their talents, and calling the shots!
To amp things up even more, there is a T-Square to the Sun and the Moon to Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn. This is a lot of initiating cardinal energy. The square is a tension between 3 sides of perception in this case - what you want to do, what is good for the relationships you are in, and what is objectively the right thing to do. Aries is “me”, Libra is “we”, and Capricorn is career and our way out into the world. It is our structure, order, and discipline.
During this Full Moon in Aries, your passion and and opportunities for developing yourself will come to light. This is a time to be discerning and to only say yes to projects that are in total alignment with your goals. You will not be able to please everyone. And when you try to please everyone, you really put yourself last. And my friends, you did not come here in this time and space to put yourself last.
The energy of this Full Moon is asking you to be practical, disciplined, and help us take action towards making our dreams come to life.
On October 27th at 9:38pm MST we have a New Moon at 4 degrees and 25 minutes of Scorpio.
A New Moon is when the Sun and the Moon are together at the beginning of a new cycle. Coming together in the deep and mysterious sign of Scorpio, this is about planting the seeds for healing, rebirth, and regeneration.
At the time of this New Moon, there will be 5 planets in water signs and 5 planets in fixed signs. Water signs are about intuition, feeling, emotions, and the natural flow of the Universe. Fixed signs have staying power. They can work hard at something for a long time, but the shadow side is they hate change and have a hard time flowing with unexpected roadblocks.
Scorpios are natural born detectives and researchers. They will dig deep to get to the heart of the truth. Once there, they will keep your secret till the end of time. Scorpios are extremely resourceful, passionate, and brave. They are an amazing friend to have. Scorpios can be very secretive, and also distrusting of new people. You must prove you are worthy to get into the inner circle of a Scorpio, but once there you live there for life. Scorpios hate dishonesty (that is a sure fire way to get booted from the inner circle forever). As a fixed sign, they can be very stubborn when they know they are right. They really dislike passive people or revealing their secrets unless it is on their own terms. They love facts, the truth, teasing people the know, like, and trust, and usually have a grand passion for something.
At the time of this New Moon, Uranus the planet of rebellion, liberation, and eccentricity sits directly opposite the Moon and the Sun. This opposition can cause mood swings, erratic bursts of energy and lethargy, and make you want to break free of something that has been keeping you stuck. This can also bring unexpected exciting encounters with people or creative endeavors that shake up your usually structured world.
This could also indicate that perhaps a person that has shaken up your world in the past comes back to mind or even physically back into your world. The opportunity will be for healing and letting go of the past.
And finally on October 31st, Mercury goes retrograde at 25 degrees of Scorpio at 9:42am MST. Mercury will be retrograde until November 20th and will remain in shadow until December 7th. So from now until November 20th you will be revisiting something that has been buried deep that will need to be healed. This is a great time to rest, recover, relax, and reconcile your thoughts. From November 20th to December 7th the lesson will be revealed. This time will test if you truly healed the wound or if you just bandaided over it. Whatever needed to be healed, to be regenerated, and deeply looked at will come full circle. If you have done the work, you will be able to move forward. If not, the lesson will cycle again for you to learn it and heal. There are no wrong turns, just detours along the way! Take precautions if you are traveling or planning events. Mercury rules our coordination and cognition - so when Mercury is in retrograde just take your time with working out and be especially careful when playing sports. It is also best to delay signing contracts or publishing anything new. Take the time to review and negotiate, and if you can only sign new contracts and documents after Mercury has come out of shadow. But life happens, so just be very careful and detailed if you do have to sign before December 7th.

Astrology for September 2019
September brings lots of Virgo energy. This is the energy of practicality, productivity, and organization. With 5 planets in Earth signs, we are being challenged to ground our ideas into reality, make good on our promises, and start to be productive and contributing member of society.
September 3rd is a day that the Sun, Mars, and Mercury come together in Virgo. This is productivity at its finest. You can harness this energy to be focused, clear thinking, and practical. The Moon will be in Scorpio, so this is a great time to investigate, research and get to the bottom of a mystery. There is a possibility with this configuration to into analysis paralysis. Virgo's shadow side is they can be perfectionist, and over critical. Be careful not to be so harsh with yourself and over work trying to perfect something you are working on.
On September 4th Venus and Neptune will be across the sky from each other. This brings a potential for the days before and after for problems with finances and/or relationships. Be careful with your money and the urge to splurge. Also be careful with who you trust with your money and finances. This energy can bring deception and gullibility. You can also be more generous than usual, just make sure you are not putting your own financial health in jeopardy.
September 13th brings a Full Moon at 21 degrees and 5 minutes of Pisces at 10:33pm MST. This Full Moons brings your spirituality and sensitivity into focus for this week.
A Full Moon is when the Sun is opposite the Moon in the Zodiac. The Sun for this Full Moon will be in the grounded, healing, hard working sign of Virgo, and the Moon will be in the watery, intuitive, creative sign of Pisces. These two energies represent our service and work we do out into the world (Virgo) and who we feel we are behind the scenes, and what drives our sense of purpose (Pisces). In essence our day-to-day life and physical health vs our vision and life purpose and our spiritual health.
The Moon in Pisces is very sensitive, creative, and empathic. Pisces is a mutable water sign. People who are Pisces tend to love music, art, and all things spiritual. Pisces people tend to be very empathic, and highly sensitive to the energy of others. They tend to have a hard time grounding into reality, and often times are very misunderstood. Their interests can shift quickly, and they can be off on their next adventure without much of a thought in planning or execution. The Pisces gift is to learn to trust their intuition and follow their soul’s calling. They are born healers, but healing can take many forms. Many chefs and actors are Pisces.
Pisces is ruled by Neptune and at the time of this Full Moon it sits together with it. This is going to feel like a very dreamy or very foggy time. Your emotions will show you the way. Tune into yourself to see what is really coming up for your to realize and act on. This Full Moon will Show a culmination of something in your life that you have been trying to heal for some time.
Mars also gets involved in what Astrologer’s call a “t-square” - which brings tension to this Full Moon. Mars is square to the Moon and the Sun making you feel moody, agitated, and maybe impatient to get things done, or they aren’t going as fast as you want. Avoid making hasty decisions and stomping on that gas pedal when you drive. Take your time and breathe. Everything in perfect time.
September 14th both Mercury and Venus move into the loving sign of Libra. Diplomacy, equanimity, and fairness for all are a theme now. It is a great time of romance, kindness, and finding balance with what you idealize and what is reality.
September 18th Saturn moves stationary direct at 14 degrees of Capricorn. Yay for Saturn finally moving forward! But take heed - Saturn has been sitting at the 13th degree of Capricorn since September 8th and will not move forward into the 14th degree until September 30th. This is what Astrologers call Stationary. When a planet sits in a degree for a long period of time, it can accentuate that point in your chart. The general meaning of Saturn in Capricorn Stationary is testing you to see if you have been responsible, if you have done the work you were supposed to do since Saturn went retrograde since April 30th. Saturn will be retracing it’s steps once again until it is finally out of shadow on December 24th. So look back to what had been happening with your responsibilities, your work and career, the structures of your life, and your reputation. Saturn tests all that it touches. If you have been doing the work that was required, you will be rewarded.
September 23rd the Sun moves into Libra and we have the Autumn Equinox. Equinox is a time of equal day and equal night. We will be going into a time of the year when we will have more darkness than light. Sun in Libra signals a time of self-love, relationships, and harmony. It is a great time to resolve conflicts, and really see the situation from both sides of the story. Where we can have empathy and see the root of people’s pain, we can understand them more. It does not give them an excuse, but it can bring understanding. This is also a great time to practice boundaries and self-care to make sure you are not taking on other people’s problems and energy.
September 28th we have New Moon at 5 degrees and 20 minutes of Libra at 12:26pm MST. The New Moon brings together the Sun and the Moon in Libra, aligning your mental and emotional capacities to focus on planting the seeds of intentions in your partnerships and romantic relationships. This is a lovely New Moon and with only one minor helpful aspect to Uranus, this one is going to feel lovely and peaceful! This New Moon will bring up your desire for balance and harmony. You will want to play it safe and not rock any boats, because truthfully you may not want conflict. The lesson of this New Moon will be for you to be yourself, and not to “be nice” and keep the peace at the expense of your own boundaries.
Libra is a cardinal air sign. Cardinality means they like to initiate and move forward with the inspiration and ideas they are inspired to create. If you know a Libra, they are quite beautiful in the elegance and companionship. They are such lovers of balance that they can defend any view point and make very loving and loyal friend. They have a keen eye for fashion, aesthetic, and home furnishings. Though they may not be designers (some are for sure), they pick things that are lovely and have a certain sense of style. They have the gift of decorative harmony. They long for a peaceful home, so when their home in in turmoil or their intimate partnerships are not balanced, their whole life feels wobbly.
They are diplomatic, and nimble with making people feel at ease. If you are lucky to know a Libra, then you will know that they will always try to find the compromise so that both sides win. They are able to win the trust of many with their gentle, kind approach. Ruled by Venus, the planet that rules love, money, and all things beautiful, Venus is at home in the sign Libra during this New Moon. Venus and Mercury sit together during this New Moon giving us wonderful tools of diplomacy, kindness, and social graces. It is a great time to be amongst friends, social settings, and even to be hosting a party!
September 30th bring Venus in its home sign of Libra square to Pluto in strict Capricorn. This transit may have an effect on what you love and value. Pluto square to Venus can make you obsessed over something you love and value, or potentially someone may feel these things about you. If you are in fear mode - this can feel like jealousy, and possessiveness. If you are living in love, this can feel like standing up for yourself, and setting up strong boundaries. It can bring up simmering tensions. If you were not able to deal with the underlying issues in your close relationships at the time of the New Moon, then you will have no choice now but to look at it squarely in the face to be healed. An unhealthy relationship will breakdown now. A healthy relationship will be strengthened by this aspect.

Astrology for August 2019
This month is a great month to relax and enjoy time with your friends before the busy months ahead. It a time to connect with like minds, join a new group, and strategize for accomplishing your goals by the end of the year. Take full advantage of the Leo energy of the beginning of the month to bring in joy and happiness into your life, and then plan out the months ahead with the Virgo energy at the end of the month.
The month starts off still riding high from the Leo New Moon at the end of July.
August 11th is quite a busy day. Jupiter finally goes direct, Mercury enters the fiery sign of Leo, and Uranus goes retrograde. This is a time to embark on an adventure. Jupiter helps you find the fun with its forward momentum in Sagittarius. With Mercury in Leo, our communications can take on a very passionate and perhaps a captivating or performing element to it. It is a time to speak with authority about what you know to help those who need it. It is time to look at the big picture and see the next steps needed to attain your goals. This sign is helping you to take pride in your work, and be passionate about your goals and achieving them. Uranus going retrograde in Taurus it is a time of internal restructuring which will allow you to fully express yourself. Uranus will be retrograde until January 10th 2020.
Uranus will be retorgrading over the first few degrees of Taurus once again, retracing its steps from April 24th 2019. Uranus changes whatever it touches. This could suggest that you may have been anticipating something to change in your life, but it hasn't yet come to fruition. Often changes with Uranus are associated with freedom. This retrograde will help you to process what has been holding you back and giving you a false sense of security. Whatever this is needs to be released in order to move ahead with those dreams and the freedom you seek.
August 13th the Sun and Venus come together to meet in Leo. This day may bring you the feeling that you want to please those around you. Be careful not to compromise your own feelings and thoughts to gain approval from others. It can also be a time that we can be proud of our work, and feel extremely proud and maybe vulnerable if your efforts are not being noticed. It can also be a day to shine your talents bright, because you came here to shine your light!
August 15th brings the Full Moon in Aquarius at 6:29am MST at 22 degrees and 24 minutes of Aquarius. This Full Moon brings all the elements of this fixed air sign into awareness. The Moon is bringing the Aquarius aspects of our emotions to the surface. Aquarians are progressive, original, and humanitarians at their core. They are independent and need to have their space to explore and connect. They love to have fun with friends, fight for worthy causes, have stimulating conversations, and are great listeners. They tend to flee from overly emotional situations, and can be uncompromising in their values and beliefs. Aquarians despise limitation and being stuck in boring conversations and situations. They really don't like it when people disagree with them, because their values and beliefs have been thoroughly vetted by their discerning mind and they can't understand why anyone would not see it their way. Aquarians choose their words and timing carefully. The Moon in Aquarius is willful, independent, and cool-headed.
The cool-headedness of an Aquarian Moon will be needed to balance the all the planets sitting opposite the Moon in Leo. The Sun, Venus, and Mars are all across the sky from the Moon. This combination of planets in fire can make us feel a bit fired up and concerned with our own issues above all else. It is also what we love, what motivates us, and how we feel about ourselves are all lining up at this time. At the very least, you may feel the dichotomy of this Full Moon. Part of you wants to be free, but you also have a strong need to be with people or groups of people that have similar views and interests. These types of group activities may actually help you understand yourself better. The key is to find your tribe and let them bring out the best in you.
The Full Moon shines a light on an area of your life that is wrapping up or coming to fruition. The Aquarian Full Moon suggests that an area of your life where you connect with groups and associations that you align your life purpose with needs more attention. It is a great time to get out with friends, or join a group that will help you to explore your innate gift and talents. You will feel a real sense of community and alignment if you do.
August 17th has Mars moving into the earth sign of Virgo. With Mars moving out of fire into earth, it wants to create things that have staying power. It can be stubborn and critical, so we must be aware where these types of feelings come up for us. It is a time where we may feel like we want to do things our way and we know better.
August 21st has Venus also entering Virgo, just 2 days ahead of the Sun. This energy will be help us work on our relationships. Venus in Virgo loves to show you their admiration through devotion and attention versus the showy gifts of Venus in Leo. This is a great time to listen and observe to discover what makes those around you happy. Venus is what we love and value, and with Venus in Virgo you will want more healing and groundedness in your life.
August 23rd brings the Sun into Virgo! Happy Birthday Virgos! The Sun in Virgo is incredibly intuitive, but also practical, logical, and analytical. It is a time to look at our health and work performance and find a balance between both of them. Virgo is a mutable earth sign. It likes to come up with practical answers to situations and pivot quickly to solve problems. The Sun at this time is giving you the energy to logically get through life's situations and get you ready for all September has to bring.
August 29th has Mercury the planet of communication, coordination, and mental processing enters into Virgo. Mercury in Virgo likes to process information for learning and growth. It focuses on the finer details of plans and it loves to plan and organize life and events. This a great time to bring together a plan for the month ahead and determine the steps you need to take to accomplish goals.
August 30th brings a New Moon at 6 degrees and 47 minutes in Virgo at 5:37am MST. During this New Moon 8 of the 10 the planets are in earth signs. This gives this Moon a sense of new beginnings on the horizon. You will want to lay a strong foundation for the plans of the future. With the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus and Mars in Virgo, there is a lot of energy for assertiveness, goal-directed planning, and relationships (both business and personal). The seeds planted now will give rise to strong structures in the future. The steps you take now will give you a sense of clarity and security. It is a time where tolerance and acceptance about the imperfections of life is necessary. No one is perfect and neither are you. The little idiosyncranicities of life make life interesting and help us to learn the lesson of surfing life's waves and flowing with the current of our life path.

Astrology for July 2019
The month of July has 2 New Moons, 1 Full Moon, and 2 Eclipses! It is going to be a very full month of "aha's" and life lessons coming to awareness. With the Sun starting off in watery Cancer, this month is truly about your feelings and emotions, and are you listening to what they are trying to tell you. Your soul speaks to you through your emotions. When you are in alignment and following the signs, you are in your joy and happiness. When you are fighting the current, your are out of alignment and can feel like sadness, depression, and anxiety.
July 1st brings the motivational planet of Mars entering Leo. Mars represents our drive, desire, and action. Mars in Leo will help us bring our desires to create something of true meaning this month. Passions and desires run high which can give us the energy to get things done and make the necessary changes we want to live a more aligned life.
On July 2nd, we have a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Cancer at 1:16pm MST. An Eclipse in Astrology happens when a New Moon or Full Moon coincides with the position of the Nodes of the Moon. The Nodes of the Moon denote our karmic path in this lifetime. The North Node of the Moon is our karmic destiny, or what our major life lessons are in this lifetime. The South Node of the Moon has to do with our karmic past - the life lessons we have mastered and now gives us the strengths we need to propel ourselves forward in this lifetime. This Solar Eclipse is a New Moon in Cancer that sits with the North Node, and will help us break through some major obstacles we have been experiencing with moving forward with our hopes and dreams.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse is being supercharged by a few aspects. Along with the Moon in its home sign of Cancer, the South Node (our collective karmic destiny) is sitting with revolutionary Pluto and authoritative Saturn. This is going to bring the breakup of past conditioning that has kept you small. Is what you believe about yourself true? Saturn is at home in Capricorn, asking us to understand the strong structures we have built in our lives up till this point. What has served us well? What needs to be thrown out to make way for the new? Whatever is not on strong ground now will shake and crumble.
Neptune, the planet of spirituality, spiritual guidance, and compassion, is trine to the North Node, which means it is harmoniously working with our life lessons to help us manage what is being felt during this Eclipse. If you dip into your spiritual practice, and ask for guidance at this time, you will be pleasantly rewarded with nuggets of information to help you on your path.
This Solar Eclipse will be felt for up to 6 months from now. It will be helping us to create strong foundations for nurturing our life long passions. It is also going to help us set up a strong foundation for our future growth. We may feel insecure or uncertain during this time of change while we declutter the unnecessary thoughts that have kept us stuck. What have you neglected that really needs the most nurturing (Cancer) right now in your life? Is it yourself? Your family? Your passions and aspirations? What is your true purpose (Sun) and are you taking steps towards that?
Eclipses are meant to shift us on our path of destiny. Some Eclipses will hit our charts more significantly than others. Eclipses follow a predictable path and repeat every 19 years. The last time a Solar Eclipse hit this degree was back in July 1 2000. Think back to what was started at this time in your life and what unfolded and transformed because of this. Perhaps what you learned from this life lesson will come around now to help you with what is coming up to be experienced.
This Solar Eclipse New Moon will feel like a supercharged New Moon shining a light on something that is beginning in your life . You get to decide what that start looks like! Happy creating!
July 3rd Venus moves into Cancer to join the party. Venus in Cancer loves to show you their love by caring for your and nurturing you. Venus is what we love and value, and what we take pleasure from. The focus for us know collectively will be to really pay attention to our emotions, and to personalize our interactions by being present. Venus in Cancer loves sentimentality, being reassured, and having a home that feels nurturing, safe, and comfortable.
July 7th brings Mercury entering retrograde in Leo. This might bring out fiery words that later we regret. We may also feel motivated to say things that give voice to what we did not have the courage to say before. Leo is a fire sign that needs to feel appreciated for its efforts. The key here is to think about what you want to say and how you want it to be heard. Stop, observe, discern and then act. Or you will most certainly regret the words you use, because of the energy of the moment may trigger it in you. (See July 19th entry for more information on this retrograde)
July 9th brings Sun in Cancer opposite Saturn in Capricorn. The world may test you today to see if your structures are sound. You may feel very sensitive to criticism today. This is a great time to use your critical thinking skills to discern what is true and what the motivations of others may be. Remember you are a mirror for others to see themselves. How you see others is a mirror for you to really see yourself. Normal everyday routines may seem demanding now. Be patient. This too shall pass.
July 14th Sun in Cancer is opposite Pluto in Capricorn. What are you holding on to that really is not in your best interest? That will come into stark view today. Take the opportunity to choose a new path without the self-destructive tendency or addiction. There may be changes thrust upon you at this time. It is best not to resist them, but to understand the underlying theme. What are the events happening at this time trying to tell you? This is all meant to bring about positive changes in your life at this time. Can you find the positivity and the gratitude in the situation? It might be tough to find, but I promise you it is in there.....somewhere.
July 16th Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 24 degrees of Capricorn at 3:38pm MST. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will feel like a super charged Full Moon. This Eclipse has the Sun in Cancer across the sky from the Moon in Capricorn. The Sun in Cancer is speaking to our nurturing, maternal, intuitive side. The Moon in Capricorn is speaking to our feelings of being useful and productive. The Moon speaks to our emotional needs and personal boundaries. You may feel the need to have safety and security in everything you do. You will want to make plans for the future, and make sure your contributions are worthwhile, especially in your house and home, and with your family (Cancer).
The Sun in this cardinal water sign is all about initiating healing in the family, home, and within themselves. Sun in Cancer people love to nurture those around them, and their family and traditional roots play a large part in how they define themselves. They are emotionally sensitive, and when in fear or lack mentality they can feel overly emotional, over-protective, and even smothering. Cancer Sun people need to have real connections with others, and should develop their intuition as a great tool to understand their own innate gifts and talents for living a great life.
What is making this Full Moon Eclipse is packing a punch, because Pluto (the planet of revolution and transcendence) and Saturn (the planet of structure, responsibilities, and authority) is assisting the South Node. This represents a breaking down of the old structures of our lives and world to make way for us to build a bigger, better future that meets the needs of our truest selves. A future that can help us to feel connected, at home with ourselves and the people we meet, and to support one another in all that we want to accomplish.
This Eclipse has the Moon sitting with the South Node of the Moon (karmic past) and the Sun sitting with the North Node (karmic destiny). What this means the vitality of who we feel we are is evolving and our emotions can show us the way, if we let them. Our intuition and our ability to nurture what needs the most support in our lives now will help us to transcend the issues and obstacles in our lives, to move forward towards our hopes and dreams with structure, order, and discipline.
July 19th a retrograde Mercury moves into Cancer. Mercury is the planet that rules our communication, cognition, and coordination. It is how we process information. Mercury in Cancer is communication with emotion, sensitivity, and thoughtful words. In retrograde, it is asking us to take time to really think about the words we are using, because they can be very hurtful if we think without speaking. Mercury will be retrograde to July 31st. When Mercury is retrograde, it is time to reevaluate, re-asses, and revamp. Be careful while driving and traveling. Make sure you are arriving early for any travel planned during a Mercury retrograde, and always have back-ups of your travel documents. Keep beverages away from your computer and try to be mindful of your communication and emails during this time. And please for the love of all that is good and pure - save your work every step of the way if you are working on a long blog post or computer document! Life goes on and sometimes you just can't postpone contract signings, travel, or life events, but you can be prepared!
July 22nd the Sun moves in Leo. Happy Birthday Leos! Sun in Leo rings in the season of generosity, creativity, and enthusiasm. The Sun is at home in this sign. Leo is a fixed fire sign. Leos are warm-hearted, cheerful, and generally good-natured. They love taking holidays, having nice things, and having a great time with their friends. Leos need to feel appreciated for their efforts. If you want to anger a Leo, ignore them or make them feel like their contributions are less than appreciated, and then you will feel the wrath of the Leo. They will either tell you what is what, or they will just leave, and you will never again feel the warmth of their Sun. The shadow side of the Leo is that they can be stubborn, lazy, and may be inflexibile with change that they did not initiate. Leo season is best for spending time with friends, letting people know they are appreciated, taking a holiday, wearing bright colours, and just being creative. Enjoy Leo season until August 22nd.
July 27th Venus moves into Leo. Venus in Leo wants to be adored and feel special. While Venus is in Leo we may feel appreciated by our partners, co-workers, and family. We may also want to show off our best assets and shower the people we appreciate with our praises and affections. Venus is what we love and value, and with Venus in Leo we might be drawn to nice things that are valuable and you may feel the draw to indulge with big spending during this time. Be careful with your money. It is a very romantic time as well if you are in a relationship. A Leo Venus would also like to go out to the theater, and doing fun creative things with friends.
July 31st New Moon at 8 degrees of Leo at 9:12pm MST. A New Moon is when the Sun and the Moon are at the same degree. Leo is a fire fixed sign, and Leo rules the heart. With both the Moon and the Sun here, you may have the need to be appreciated for the work you have done. You may actually get the accolades you are looking for, but it may also come with criticism. Venus is sitting next to the Moon at this time, which may lend a feeling of really wanting to be noticed. This New Moon in fiery Leo is asking you to plant seeds of intention for true improvement and accept constructive criticism. Consider feedback as signposts for where you are being redirected to and not as a personal attack. With 5 planets in fire signs, we may feel impulsive, passionate, and creative. It is best to channel this amount of fire energy into creativity and courage to follow your life's passion. Too much passion can manifest as egotistic nature, so be aware of the energy of your emotions and your motivations.
Adding another dimension to this Leo New Moon, Uranus the planet of individuality, creativity, and innovation is sitting square to the New Moon. The square is a conflict, or a challenge. Uranus can also be rebellious and impulsive. Uranus is sitting in fixed earth sign of Taurus. Uranus here may test you with unexpected changes. This aspect may make you feel like you want to break free or find your own unique self-expression.
Plant your seeds for the intention to set free your creativity to manifest the best possible outcome for yourself. Be aware of your ego and see what is really being offered to you! Remember you get to choose. Stop, observe, discern, and then act. SODA.
Wising you a wonderful July!
The month of July has 2 New Moons, 1 Full Moon, and 2 Eclipses! It is going to be a very full month of "aha's" and life lessons coming to awareness. With the Sun starting off in watery Cancer, this month is truly about your feelings and emotions, and are you listening to what they are trying to tell you. Your soul speaks to you through your emotions. When you are in alignment and following the signs, you are in your joy and happiness. When you are fighting the current, your are out of alignment and can feel like sadness, depression, and anxiety.
July 1st brings the motivational planet of Mars entering Leo. Mars represents our drive, desire, and action. Mars in Leo will help us bring our desires to create something of true meaning this month. Passions and desires run high which can give us the energy to get things done and make the necessary changes we want to live a more aligned life.
On July 2nd, we have a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Cancer at 1:16pm MST. An Eclipse in Astrology happens when a New Moon or Full Moon coincides with the position of the Nodes of the Moon. The Nodes of the Moon denote our karmic path in this lifetime. The North Node of the Moon is our karmic destiny, or what our major life lessons are in this lifetime. The South Node of the Moon has to do with our karmic past - the life lessons we have mastered and now gives us the strengths we need to propel ourselves forward in this lifetime. This Solar Eclipse is a New Moon in Cancer that sits with the North Node, and will help us break through some major obstacles we have been experiencing with moving forward with our hopes and dreams.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse is being supercharged by a few aspects. Along with the Moon in its home sign of Cancer, the South Node (our collective karmic destiny) is sitting with revolutionary Pluto and authoritative Saturn. This is going to bring the breakup of past conditioning that has kept you small. Is what you believe about yourself true? Saturn is at home in Capricorn, asking us to understand the strong structures we have built in our lives up till this point. What has served us well? What needs to be thrown out to make way for the new? Whatever is not on strong ground now will shake and crumble.
Neptune, the planet of spirituality, spiritual guidance, and compassion, is trine to the North Node, which means it is harmoniously working with our life lessons to help us manage what is being felt during this Eclipse. If you dip into your spiritual practice, and ask for guidance at this time, you will be pleasantly rewarded with nuggets of information to help you on your path.
This Solar Eclipse will be felt for up to 6 months from now. It will be helping us to create strong foundations for nurturing our life long passions. It is also going to help us set up a strong foundation for our future growth. We may feel insecure or uncertain during this time of change while we declutter the unnecessary thoughts that have kept us stuck. What have you neglected that really needs the most nurturing (Cancer) right now in your life? Is it yourself? Your family? Your passions and aspirations? What is your true purpose (Sun) and are you taking steps towards that?
Eclipses are meant to shift us on our path of destiny. Some Eclipses will hit our charts more significantly than others. Eclipses follow a predictable path and repeat every 19 years. The last time a Solar Eclipse hit this degree was back in July 1 2000. Think back to what was started at this time in your life and what unfolded and transformed because of this. Perhaps what you learned from this life lesson will come around now to help you with what is coming up to be experienced.
This Solar Eclipse New Moon will feel like a supercharged New Moon shining a light on something that is beginning in your life . You get to decide what that start looks like! Happy creating!
July 3rd Venus moves into Cancer to join the party. Venus in Cancer loves to show you their love by caring for your and nurturing you. Venus is what we love and value, and what we take pleasure from. The focus for us know collectively will be to really pay attention to our emotions, and to personalize our interactions by being present. Venus in Cancer loves sentimentality, being reassured, and having a home that feels nurturing, safe, and comfortable.
July 7th brings Mercury entering retrograde in Leo. This might bring out fiery words that later we regret. We may also feel motivated to say things that give voice to what we did not have the courage to say before. Leo is a fire sign that needs to feel appreciated for its efforts. The key here is to think about what you want to say and how you want it to be heard. Stop, observe, discern and then act. Or you will most certainly regret the words you use, because of the energy of the moment may trigger it in you. (See July 19th entry for more information on this retrograde)
July 9th brings Sun in Cancer opposite Saturn in Capricorn. The world may test you today to see if your structures are sound. You may feel very sensitive to criticism today. This is a great time to use your critical thinking skills to discern what is true and what the motivations of others may be. Remember you are a mirror for others to see themselves. How you see others is a mirror for you to really see yourself. Normal everyday routines may seem demanding now. Be patient. This too shall pass.
July 14th Sun in Cancer is opposite Pluto in Capricorn. What are you holding on to that really is not in your best interest? That will come into stark view today. Take the opportunity to choose a new path without the self-destructive tendency or addiction. There may be changes thrust upon you at this time. It is best not to resist them, but to understand the underlying theme. What are the events happening at this time trying to tell you? This is all meant to bring about positive changes in your life at this time. Can you find the positivity and the gratitude in the situation? It might be tough to find, but I promise you it is in there.....somewhere.
July 16th Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 24 degrees of Capricorn at 3:38pm MST. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will feel like a super charged Full Moon. This Eclipse has the Sun in Cancer across the sky from the Moon in Capricorn. The Sun in Cancer is speaking to our nurturing, maternal, intuitive side. The Moon in Capricorn is speaking to our feelings of being useful and productive. The Moon speaks to our emotional needs and personal boundaries. You may feel the need to have safety and security in everything you do. You will want to make plans for the future, and make sure your contributions are worthwhile, especially in your house and home, and with your family (Cancer).
The Sun in this cardinal water sign is all about initiating healing in the family, home, and within themselves. Sun in Cancer people love to nurture those around them, and their family and traditional roots play a large part in how they define themselves. They are emotionally sensitive, and when in fear or lack mentality they can feel overly emotional, over-protective, and even smothering. Cancer Sun people need to have real connections with others, and should develop their intuition as a great tool to understand their own innate gifts and talents for living a great life.
What is making this Full Moon Eclipse is packing a punch, because Pluto (the planet of revolution and transcendence) and Saturn (the planet of structure, responsibilities, and authority) is assisting the South Node. This represents a breaking down of the old structures of our lives and world to make way for us to build a bigger, better future that meets the needs of our truest selves. A future that can help us to feel connected, at home with ourselves and the people we meet, and to support one another in all that we want to accomplish.
This Eclipse has the Moon sitting with the South Node of the Moon (karmic past) and the Sun sitting with the North Node (karmic destiny). What this means the vitality of who we feel we are is evolving and our emotions can show us the way, if we let them. Our intuition and our ability to nurture what needs the most support in our lives now will help us to transcend the issues and obstacles in our lives, to move forward towards our hopes and dreams with structure, order, and discipline.
July 19th a retrograde Mercury moves into Cancer. Mercury is the planet that rules our communication, cognition, and coordination. It is how we process information. Mercury in Cancer is communication with emotion, sensitivity, and thoughtful words. In retrograde, it is asking us to take time to really think about the words we are using, because they can be very hurtful if we think without speaking. Mercury will be retrograde to July 31st. When Mercury is retrograde, it is time to reevaluate, re-asses, and revamp. Be careful while driving and traveling. Make sure you are arriving early for any travel planned during a Mercury retrograde, and always have back-ups of your travel documents. Keep beverages away from your computer and try to be mindful of your communication and emails during this time. And please for the love of all that is good and pure - save your work every step of the way if you are working on a long blog post or computer document! Life goes on and sometimes you just can't postpone contract signings, travel, or life events, but you can be prepared!
July 22nd the Sun moves in Leo. Happy Birthday Leos! Sun in Leo rings in the season of generosity, creativity, and enthusiasm. The Sun is at home in this sign. Leo is a fixed fire sign. Leos are warm-hearted, cheerful, and generally good-natured. They love taking holidays, having nice things, and having a great time with their friends. Leos need to feel appreciated for their efforts. If you want to anger a Leo, ignore them or make them feel like their contributions are less than appreciated, and then you will feel the wrath of the Leo. They will either tell you what is what, or they will just leave, and you will never again feel the warmth of their Sun. The shadow side of the Leo is that they can be stubborn, lazy, and may be inflexibile with change that they did not initiate. Leo season is best for spending time with friends, letting people know they are appreciated, taking a holiday, wearing bright colours, and just being creative. Enjoy Leo season until August 22nd.
July 27th Venus moves into Leo. Venus in Leo wants to be adored and feel special. While Venus is in Leo we may feel appreciated by our partners, co-workers, and family. We may also want to show off our best assets and shower the people we appreciate with our praises and affections. Venus is what we love and value, and with Venus in Leo we might be drawn to nice things that are valuable and you may feel the draw to indulge with big spending during this time. Be careful with your money. It is a very romantic time as well if you are in a relationship. A Leo Venus would also like to go out to the theater, and doing fun creative things with friends.
July 31st New Moon at 8 degrees of Leo at 9:12pm MST. A New Moon is when the Sun and the Moon are at the same degree. Leo is a fire fixed sign, and Leo rules the heart. With both the Moon and the Sun here, you may have the need to be appreciated for the work you have done. You may actually get the accolades you are looking for, but it may also come with criticism. Venus is sitting next to the Moon at this time, which may lend a feeling of really wanting to be noticed. This New Moon in fiery Leo is asking you to plant seeds of intention for true improvement and accept constructive criticism. Consider feedback as signposts for where you are being redirected to and not as a personal attack. With 5 planets in fire signs, we may feel impulsive, passionate, and creative. It is best to channel this amount of fire energy into creativity and courage to follow your life's passion. Too much passion can manifest as egotistic nature, so be aware of the energy of your emotions and your motivations.
Adding another dimension to this Leo New Moon, Uranus the planet of individuality, creativity, and innovation is sitting square to the New Moon. The square is a conflict, or a challenge. Uranus can also be rebellious and impulsive. Uranus is sitting in fixed earth sign of Taurus. Uranus here may test you with unexpected changes. This aspect may make you feel like you want to break free or find your own unique self-expression.
Plant your seeds for the intention to set free your creativity to manifest the best possible outcome for yourself. Be aware of your ego and see what is really being offered to you! Remember you get to choose. Stop, observe, discern, and then act. SODA.
Wising you a wonderful July!

Astrology For June 2019
June arrives with a New Moon in the mutable air sign of Gemini on June 3rd at 4:02am MST. Gemini is all about ideas, sociability, curiosity, and flexibility. Gemini as an air sign is naturally always thinking and coming up with ideas for exchange with others. Their mutability allows them to flow with change and adapt quickly. They are very generally very affectionate and gentle. They don't like being alone, being confined or tied down, or anything that is repetitive and routine. All signs have a shadow and a light side and Gemini is no different. The shadow side of Gemini is that they can be nervous, inconsistent (because they tend to change their mind if they are not completely sure how they feel), and can be very indecisive. The indecisiveness comes about because they are constantly reevaluating information and refining their thoughts and information they have gathered on a topic. I like to call them the "connectors of the zodiac", as they like to strike up conversations with everyone, and find out their best qualities. Then they share those qualities with those people who they feel need it the most and connect people together. Geminis love music, books, and short spontaneous trips.
This New Moon is being opposed by Jupiter in Sagittarius and squared by Neptune in Pisces. What does this mean you might ask? There is a lot of mutable energy here, which can lead to an energy of confusion, too much information, or getting lost in the information and not being able to see the situation clearly. Beware of gossip and misinformation. If you feel overwhelmed, get grounded. Put your feet on the earth, take 3 deep breaths - in your nose and out your mouth, and say these words, "it is all going to work out in the end". Because it is.
This New Moon is asking you to cut out the distractions, and give our fullest attention to the things that really deserve our attention. Before speaking in a conversation, make sure you are using facts and not taking part in gossip. It is a good time to listen and learn. Your intuition will be pretty strong at this time, so take the time to listen to it.
On June 4th, Mercury the planet of communication moves into the intuitive, nurturing sign of Cancer. During this time of year, communication can take a real personal turn. You will notice that the words people use will elicit an emotional response of come kind. It is a good time to not take things personally, and check in with your own emotional triggers before reacting.
Venus moves into Gemini on June 8th. Relationships will become more lively with great conversation, flirtatiousness, and lightheartedness. Have fun in all your relationships, and schedule more get together and coffee dates with friends, family, and loved ones.
Mars finally goes back into it's usual declination with the Sun on June 12th. Between April 20th and June 12th, Mars has been Out Of Bounds, meaning it was not being kept in check by the Sun. It was creating more quick tempers, irritability. and aggression that usual. If you were experiencing this, you will notice a definite shift after June 12th.
On June 16th is Father's Day. Wishing all the Father's out there a Happy Father's Day! The Moon will be in optimistic Sagittarius all day, but Mercury in Cancer will oppose Saturn in Capricorn. This may lead to emotional words being spoken and paternal structures being questioned. If you want a smooth Father's Day, perhaps avoid topics of conversations that you know will bring up fiery emotional responses.
On June 17th we will have a Full Moon in Sagittarius at 2:31am MST at 25 degrees. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. They are full of boundless passion and motivation to put into an optimistic dream. They are optimistic, always laughing, and generally have a great sense of humour. They are generous, and love to spend their money on other people, fun, and frivolity. They love to travel, and need freedom and the outdoors in their life. The shadow side of Sagittarius is because they have this generous giving heart, they can over-promise, and over commit. They don't seem to have a filter on their mouth, and will say whatever comes to mind or idea that pops into their head. They really need space, so clingy people, being constrained or excessive details make Sagittarians run for the hills. They are very easy-going, caring, and love to help where they can.
A Full Moon is when the Sun and the Moon are in opposite signs, pulling on two different parts of your psyche and life. With the Full Moon in Sagittarius, the Sun will be in Gemini. This opposition speaks to feeling into your intuition with big pictures goals, dreams, and aspirations, but using your logical mind to take the next tangible steps. Use the vision of your biggest dreams to inform your carefully planned next steps.
To add more dimension to this Full Moon, the Moon will be sitting with Jupiter. Jupiter rules expansive Sagittarius, giving this Full Moon more fuel to the emotions being stirred up at this time. Neptune is square to both the Moon and Jupiter together, and to the Sun. Neptune will be making things foggy at this time. If we use our intuition at this time, then we may be able to hear some very valuable information for what is to come. Neptune can also help us to tune into our own personal truths and soul purpose. But be warned, Neptune in Pisces can also be escapism and tuning out reality because it feels too hard. The truth needs to be seen, leaned into, and looked at for what it is. This Sagittarian Moon is helping us by giving us optimism and hope, to see this in the bigger picture of our soul journey here on Earth.
To use this Full Moon to its fullest potential you will have to find a point to navigate towards. Ask yourself what is your goal in life right now? If you don't have one, create one that is just the next step towards more happiness. You will feel very optimistic at this time, and no matter what things are going to get better with every step you take with your heart in the direction of your dreams.
This Full Moon will signal the wrap up of this Eclipse Season, which started in January 5th 2019. Look back on the last 6 months to see what has been the theme and what has been triggered for you to change or examine further.
On June 21st, the Sun enters the intuitive, nurturing sign of Cancer, signalling the beginning of Cancer season! Happy Birthdays to all the Cancerians out there! When the Sun crosses over into Cancer, it means that it is Summer Solstice, and the official start of Summer. Summer Solstice it the day with the most daylight in the Western Hemisphere. It also signals that now the days will start to become shorter in light.
Sun in Cancer is asking us to examine if we are using our energy for things that make us feel good, or are we getting worked up about nothing. It is time to go into our hearts and see if we are using its wisdom to navigate our life. Our emotions are the way our soul speaks to us. When we are in alignment, we are happy, joyful, and enjoying life. When we are going against our soul's compass, we are sad, angry, depressed, and unhappy. Use your emotions to empower and guide you, and not consume you.
As there are no coincidences, Neptune also goes retrograde on the same day as the Solstice. Neptune is a big player this month. When Neptune goes retrograde, it is a time to re-evaluate what you ideally want. Neptune is a feminine planet that rules transcendence, spirituality, and healing. It typically rules the 12th house of healing, burdens and grief, and that which is hidden. During the time that Neptune is retrograde (June 21st - November 27th), the theme will be how we have dealt with and continue to deal with themes of loss, addiction, illusion, delusion. It is a great time to journal and reflect on what comes through in dreams and meditation.
On June 26th, Mercury moves into Leo. This is a time for using your words and communication to inspire and captivate your listener(s). It is time to be speak on things you have knowledge and authority on. It is a great time to be persuasive, and express yourself clearly. Speak and write from the heart.
Wishing you a wonderful, fulfilling June!
The month of July has 2 New Moons, 1 Full Moon, and 2 Eclipses! It is going to be a very full month of "aha's" and life lessons coming to awareness. With the Sun starting off in watery Cancer, this month is truly about your feelings and emotions, and are you listening to what they are trying to tell you. Your soul speaks to you through your emotions. When you are in alignment and following the signs, you are in your joy and happiness. When you are fighting the current, your are out of alignment and can feel like sadness, depression, and anxiety.
July 1st brings the motivational planet of Mars entering Leo. Mars represents our drive, desire, and action. Mars in Leo will help us bring our desires to create something of true meaning this month. Passions and desires run high which can give us the energy to get things done and make the necessary changes we want to live a more aligned life.
On July 2nd, we have a Solar Eclipse New Moon in Cancer at 1:16pm MST. An Eclipse in Astrology happens when a New Moon or Full Moon coincides with the position of the Nodes of the Moon. The Nodes of the Moon denote our karmic path in this lifetime. The North Node of the Moon is our karmic destiny, or what our major life lessons are in this lifetime. The South Node of the Moon has to do with our karmic past - the life lessons we have mastered and now gives us the strengths we need to propel ourselves forward in this lifetime. This Solar Eclipse is a New Moon in Cancer that sits with the North Node, and will help us break through some major obstacles we have been experiencing with moving forward with our hopes and dreams.
This New Moon Solar Eclipse is being supercharged by a few aspects. Along with the Moon in its home sign of Cancer, the South Node (our collective karmic destiny) is sitting with revolutionary Pluto and authoritative Saturn. This is going to bring the breakup of past conditioning that has kept you small. Is what you believe about yourself true? Saturn is at home in Capricorn, asking us to understand the strong structures we have built in our lives up till this point. What has served us well? What needs to be thrown out to make way for the new? Whatever is not on strong ground now will shake and crumble.
Neptune, the planet of spirituality, spiritual guidance, and compassion, is trine to the North Node, which means it is harmoniously working with our life lessons to help us manage what is being felt during this Eclipse. If you dip into your spiritual practice, and ask for guidance at this time, you will be pleasantly rewarded with nuggets of information to help you on your path.
This Solar Eclipse will be felt for up to 6 months from now. It will be helping us to create strong foundations for nurturing our life long passions. It is also going to help us set up a strong foundation for our future growth. We may feel insecure or uncertain during this time of change while we declutter the unnecessary thoughts that have kept us stuck. What have you neglected that really needs the most nurturing (Cancer) right now in your life? Is it yourself? Your family? Your passions and aspirations? What is your true purpose (Sun) and are you taking steps towards that?
Eclipses are meant to shift us on our path of destiny. Some Eclipses will hit our charts more significantly than others. Eclipses follow a predictable path and repeat every 19 years. The last time a Solar Eclipse hit this degree was back in July 1 2000. Think back to what was started at this time in your life and what unfolded and transformed because of this. Perhaps what you learned from this life lesson will come around now to help you with what is coming up to be experienced.
This Solar Eclipse New Moon will feel like a supercharged New Moon shining a light on something that is beginning in your life . You get to decide what that start looks like! Happy creating!
July 3rd Venus moves into Cancer to join the party. Venus in Cancer loves to show you their love by caring for your and nurturing you. Venus is what we love and value, and what we take pleasure from. The focus for us know collectively will be to really pay attention to our emotions, and to personalize our interactions by being present. Venus in Cancer loves sentimentality, being reassured, and having a home that feels nurturing, safe, and comfortable.
July 7th brings Mercury entering retrograde in Leo. This might bring out fiery words that later we regret. We may also feel motivated to say things that give voice to what we did not have the courage to say before. Leo is a fire sign that needs to feel appreciated for its efforts. The key here is to think about what you want to say and how you want it to be heard. Stop, observe, discern and then act. Or you will most certainly regret the words you use, because of the energy of the moment may trigger it in you. (See July 19th entry for more information on this retrograde)
July 9th brings Sun in Cancer opposite Saturn in Capricorn. The world may test you today to see if your structures are sound. You may feel very sensitive to criticism today. This is a great time to use your critical thinking skills to discern what is true and what the motivations of others may be. Remember you are a mirror for others to see themselves. How you see others is a mirror for you to really see yourself. Normal everyday routines may seem demanding now. Be patient. This too shall pass.
July 14th Sun in Cancer is opposite Pluto in Capricorn. What are you holding on to that really is not in your best interest? That will come into stark view today. Take the opportunity to choose a new path without the self-destructive tendency or addiction. There may be changes thrust upon you at this time. It is best not to resist them, but to understand the underlying theme. What are the events happening at this time trying to tell you? This is all meant to bring about positive changes in your life at this time. Can you find the positivity and the gratitude in the situation? It might be tough to find, but I promise you it is in there.....somewhere.
July 16th Full Moon Lunar Eclipse at 24 degrees of Capricorn at 3:38pm MST. A Full Moon Lunar Eclipse will feel like a super charged Full Moon. This Eclipse has the Sun in Cancer across the sky from the Moon in Capricorn. The Sun in Cancer is speaking to our nurturing, maternal, intuitive side. The Moon in Capricorn is speaking to our feelings of being useful and productive. The Moon speaks to our emotional needs and personal boundaries. You may feel the need to have safety and security in everything you do. You will want to make plans for the future, and make sure your contributions are worthwhile, especially in your house and home, and with your family (Cancer).
The Sun in this cardinal water sign is all about initiating healing in the family, home, and within themselves. Sun in Cancer people love to nurture those around them, and their family and traditional roots play a large part in how they define themselves. They are emotionally sensitive, and when in fear or lack mentality they can feel overly emotional, over-protective, and even smothering. Cancer Sun people need to have real connections with others, and should develop their intuition as a great tool to understand their own innate gifts and talents for living a great life.
What is making this Full Moon Eclipse is packing a punch, because Pluto (the planet of revolution and transcendence) and Saturn (the planet of structure, responsibilities, and authority) is assisting the South Node. This represents a breaking down of the old structures of our lives and world to make way for us to build a bigger, better future that meets the needs of our truest selves. A future that can help us to feel connected, at home with ourselves and the people we meet, and to support one another in all that we want to accomplish.
This Eclipse has the Moon sitting with the South Node of the Moon (karmic past) and the Sun sitting with the North Node (karmic destiny). What this means the vitality of who we feel we are is evolving and our emotions can show us the way, if we let them. Our intuition and our ability to nurture what needs the most support in our lives now will help us to transcend the issues and obstacles in our lives, to move forward towards our hopes and dreams with structure, order, and discipline.
July 19th a retrograde Mercury moves into Cancer. Mercury is the planet that rules our communication, cognition, and coordination. It is how we process information. Mercury in Cancer is communication with emotion, sensitivity, and thoughtful words. In retrograde, it is asking us to take time to really think about the words we are using, because they can be very hurtful if we think without speaking. Mercury will be retrograde to July 31st. When Mercury is retrograde, it is time to reevaluate, re-asses, and revamp. Be careful while driving and traveling. Make sure you are arriving early for any travel planned during a Mercury retrograde, and always have back-ups of your travel documents. Keep beverages away from your computer and try to be mindful of your communication and emails during this time. And please for the love of all that is good and pure - save your work every step of the way if you are working on a long blog post or computer document! Life goes on and sometimes you just can't postpone contract signings, travel, or life events, but you can be prepared!
July 22nd the Sun moves in Leo. Happy Birthday Leos! Sun in Leo rings in the season of generosity, creativity, and enthusiasm. The Sun is at home in this sign. Leo is a fixed fire sign. Leos are warm-hearted, cheerful, and generally good-natured. They love taking holidays, having nice things, and having a great time with their friends. Leos need to feel appreciated for their efforts. If you want to anger a Leo, ignore them or make them feel like their contributions are less than appreciated, and then you will feel the wrath of the Leo. They will either tell you what is what, or they will just leave, and you will never again feel the warmth of their Sun. The shadow side of the Leo is that they can be stubborn, lazy, and may be inflexibile with change that they did not initiate. Leo season is best for spending time with friends, letting people know they are appreciated, taking a holiday, wearing bright colours, and just being creative. Enjoy Leo season until August 22nd.
July 27th Venus moves into Leo. Venus in Leo wants to be adored and feel special. While Venus is in Leo we may feel appreciated by our partners, co-workers, and family. We may also want to show off our best assets and shower the people we appreciate with our praises and affections. Venus is what we love and value, and with Venus in Leo we might be drawn to nice things that are valuable and you may feel the draw to indulge with big spending during this time. Be careful with your money. It is a very romantic time as well if you are in a relationship. A Leo Venus would also like to go out to the theater, and doing fun creative things with friends.
July 31st New Moon at 8 degrees of Leo at 9:12pm MST. A New Moon is when the Sun and the Moon are at the same degree. Leo is a fire fixed sign, and Leo rules the heart. With both the Moon and the Sun here, you may have the need to be appreciated for the work you have done. You may actually get the accolades you are looking for, but it may also come with criticism. Venus is sitting next to the Moon at this time, which may lend a feeling of really wanting to be noticed. This New Moon in fiery Leo is asking you to plant seeds of intention for true improvement and accept constructive criticism. Consider feedback as signposts for where you are being redirected to and not as a personal attack. With 5 planets in fire signs, we may feel impulsive, passionate, and creative. It is best to channel this amount of fire energy into creativity and courage to follow your life's passion. Too much passion can manifest as egotistic nature, so be aware of the energy of your emotions and your motivations.
Adding another dimension to this Leo New Moon, Uranus the planet of individuality, creativity, and innovation is sitting square to the New Moon. The square is a conflict, or a challenge. Uranus can also be rebellious and impulsive. Uranus is sitting in fixed earth sign of Taurus. Uranus here may test you with unexpected changes. This aspect may make you feel like you want to break free or find your own unique self-expression.
Plant your seeds for the intention to set free your creativity to manifest the best possible outcome for yourself. Be aware of your ego and see what is really being offered to you! Remember you get to choose. Stop, observe, discern, and then act. SODA.
Wising you a wonderful July!

Astrology For June 2019
June arrives with a New Moon in the mutable air sign of Gemini on June 3rd at 4:02am MST. Gemini is all about ideas, sociability, curiosity, and flexibility. Gemini as an air sign is naturally always thinking and coming up with ideas for exchange with others. Their mutability allows them to flow with change and adapt quickly. They are very generally very affectionate and gentle. They don't like being alone, being confined or tied down, or anything that is repetitive and routine. All signs have a shadow and a light side and Gemini is no different. The shadow side of Gemini is that they can be nervous, inconsistent (because they tend to change their mind if they are not completely sure how they feel), and can be very indecisive. The indecisiveness comes about because they are constantly reevaluating information and refining their thoughts and information they have gathered on a topic. I like to call them the "connectors of the zodiac", as they like to strike up conversations with everyone, and find out their best qualities. Then they share those qualities with those people who they feel need it the most and connect people together. Geminis love music, books, and short spontaneous trips.
This New Moon is being opposed by Jupiter in Sagittarius and squared by Neptune in Pisces. What does this mean you might ask? There is a lot of mutable energy here, which can lead to an energy of confusion, too much information, or getting lost in the information and not being able to see the situation clearly. Beware of gossip and misinformation. If you feel overwhelmed, get grounded. Put your feet on the earth, take 3 deep breaths - in your nose and out your mouth, and say these words, "it is all going to work out in the end". Because it is.
This New Moon is asking you to cut out the distractions, and give our fullest attention to the things that really deserve our attention. Before speaking in a conversation, make sure you are using facts and not taking part in gossip. It is a good time to listen and learn. Your intuition will be pretty strong at this time, so take the time to listen to it.
On June 4th, Mercury the planet of communication moves into the intuitive, nurturing sign of Cancer. During this time of year, communication can take a real personal turn. You will notice that the words people use will elicit an emotional response of come kind. It is a good time to not take things personally, and check in with your own emotional triggers before reacting.
Venus moves into Gemini on June 8th. Relationships will become more lively with great conversation, flirtatiousness, and lightheartedness. Have fun in all your relationships, and schedule more get together and coffee dates with friends, family, and loved ones.
Mars finally goes back into it's usual declination with the Sun on June 12th. Between April 20th and June 12th, Mars has been Out Of Bounds, meaning it was not being kept in check by the Sun. It was creating more quick tempers, irritability. and aggression that usual. If you were experiencing this, you will notice a definite shift after June 12th.
On June 16th is Father's Day. Wishing all the Father's out there a Happy Father's Day! The Moon will be in optimistic Sagittarius all day, but Mercury in Cancer will oppose Saturn in Capricorn. This may lead to emotional words being spoken and paternal structures being questioned. If you want a smooth Father's Day, perhaps avoid topics of conversations that you know will bring up fiery emotional responses.
On June 17th we will have a Full Moon in Sagittarius at 2:31am MST at 25 degrees. Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. They are full of boundless passion and motivation to put into an optimistic dream. They are optimistic, always laughing, and generally have a great sense of humour. They are generous, and love to spend their money on other people, fun, and frivolity. They love to travel, and need freedom and the outdoors in their life. The shadow side of Sagittarius is because they have this generous giving heart, they can over-promise, and over commit. They don't seem to have a filter on their mouth, and will say whatever comes to mind or idea that pops into their head. They really need space, so clingy people, being constrained or excessive details make Sagittarians run for the hills. They are very easy-going, caring, and love to help where they can.
A Full Moon is when the Sun and the Moon are in opposite signs, pulling on two different parts of your psyche and life. With the Full Moon in Sagittarius, the Sun will be in Gemini. This opposition speaks to feeling into your intuition with big pictures goals, dreams, and aspirations, but using your logical mind to take the next tangible steps. Use the vision of your biggest dreams to inform your carefully planned next steps.
To add more dimension to this Full Moon, the Moon will be sitting with Jupiter. Jupiter rules expansive Sagittarius, giving this Full Moon more fuel to the emotions being stirred up at this time. Neptune is square to both the Moon and Jupiter together, and to the Sun. Neptune will be making things foggy at this time. If we use our intuition at this time, then we may be able to hear some very valuable information for what is to come. Neptune can also help us to tune into our own personal truths and soul purpose. But be warned, Neptune in Pisces can also be escapism and tuning out reality because it feels too hard. The truth needs to be seen, leaned into, and looked at for what it is. This Sagittarian Moon is helping us by giving us optimism and hope, to see this in the bigger picture of our soul journey here on Earth.
To use this Full Moon to its fullest potential you will have to find a point to navigate towards. Ask yourself what is your goal in life right now? If you don't have one, create one that is just the next step towards more happiness. You will feel very optimistic at this time, and no matter what things are going to get better with every step you take with your heart in the direction of your dreams.
This Full Moon will signal the wrap up of this Eclipse Season, which started in January 5th 2019. Look back on the last 6 months to see what has been the theme and what has been triggered for you to change or examine further.
On June 21st, the Sun enters the intuitive, nurturing sign of Cancer, signalling the beginning of Cancer season! Happy Birthdays to all the Cancerians out there! When the Sun crosses over into Cancer, it means that it is Summer Solstice, and the official start of Summer. Summer Solstice it the day with the most daylight in the Western Hemisphere. It also signals that now the days will start to become shorter in light.
Sun in Cancer is asking us to examine if we are using our energy for things that make us feel good, or are we getting worked up about nothing. It is time to go into our hearts and see if we are using its wisdom to navigate our life. Our emotions are the way our soul speaks to us. When we are in alignment, we are happy, joyful, and enjoying life. When we are going against our soul's compass, we are sad, angry, depressed, and unhappy. Use your emotions to empower and guide you, and not consume you.
As there are no coincidences, Neptune also goes retrograde on the same day as the Solstice. Neptune is a big player this month. When Neptune goes retrograde, it is a time to re-evaluate what you ideally want. Neptune is a feminine planet that rules transcendence, spirituality, and healing. It typically rules the 12th house of healing, burdens and grief, and that which is hidden. During the time that Neptune is retrograde (June 21st - November 27th), the theme will be how we have dealt with and continue to deal with themes of loss, addiction, illusion, delusion. It is a great time to journal and reflect on what comes through in dreams and meditation.
On June 26th, Mercury moves into Leo. This is a time for using your words and communication to inspire and captivate your listener(s). It is time to be speak on things you have knowledge and authority on. It is a great time to be persuasive, and express yourself clearly. Speak and write from the heart.
Wishing you a wonderful, fulfilling June!

Astrology for May 2019
May comes in with a New Moon in loving determine Taurus on May 4th, and a Full Moon in passionate Scorpio on May 18th. With the Sun in Taurus, and 3 planets in retrograde, it is now time to settle in and go inward on what you want to work on within yourself.
The 3 planets in retrograde are Jupiter (luck and expansion), Pluto (revolution, elimination), and Saturn (structure, discipline). These outer planets can have a subtle, but cumulative energy of change and order. Although we may not feel this energy outright right away, we will feel it as a slow down or a delay with forward momentum. It is a time to reflect and go over the what has been accomplish in the first half of the year and assess what can be done to make that better. Retrogrades are never a bad thing. They are meant for you to slow down and turn inward. If you just want to charge ahead, you will find retrograde periods challenging. That is why I absolutely love retrogrades. It gives you the permission to slow down. Astrology is ultimately a great tool to understand what the energy of the Universe is supporting at the moment. Retrogades should indicate to you a place in your life that you should reflect and what area of your life you should go inward to re-assess, realign, and rejuvenate. Take a look in your Natal chat or consult an Astrologer for more information on what this means for you.
It is a month to check in on our inner self and see if we are happy. And if not, what are we continuing to do that is not bringing us joy and happiness. Under a Taurus Sun, May is a great time to look at health and, your daily routine and what you are eating. It is also a time to look at your finances and if your spending habits are supporting your life goals, of if you are spending to fill a need that isn't being met elsewhere in your life.
The New Moon on May 4th is at 14 degrees of Taurus at 4:46pm MST. Taurus is a fixed earth sign. It looks stability and practicality. It is a determined, sensual sign that is known for its love of nice things and good food. Taurus are reliable, responsible, patient, and can be stubborn when they don't get their way. They love being in the garden or amongst flowers and nature. They tend to love cooking, music, romance, good quality items and products, and tend to work with their hands. Because they are fixed energy, they have a hard time with sudden changes, complications in plans, and can become possessive of their possessions and loved ones, and may have a hard time sharing.
During the time of this New Moon, Mars is Out of Bounds. Simply explained, it means is that it is outside its normal limits of the Sun's influence. During the time when a planet goes Out of Bounds, its influence is heightened. Mars Out of Bounds can present as extra courage to say or do things that we normally filter out. It can also present as being argumentative, forcefulness, ambition, and possibly aggression. Mars is in Gemini, which can present as being too talkative, gossipy, and saying things that we may later regret. In its positive form , it can be eloquent speaker, charisma and charm, and flirtatiousness. Mars will be Out of Bounds until June 12, 2019, so be aware of your actions and words during this time as it pertains to these possible influences.
This New Moon will be asking you to look at what needs to change at this time. Change is hard for human beings. We need to be stepped into change slowly and gradually. But the process has to start with one step. What is that one step you can take today to bring change to something intrinsically in your life bring about more happiness and alignment? Do that today!
Mercury, the planet of our communication, cognition, and coordination enters Taurus on May 6th asking us to slow down and take more care of ourselves. This earth sign needs rest and hydration, so make sure you are honoring your slowed down pace and being kind to yourself.
Sunday May 12th is Mother's Day, and the Moon (which is our maternal side) is making lovely aspects to Venus, Mars, and Uranus. The Moon is in Virgo on Mother's Day helping to heal any old wounds and bring about dialogue for change and acceptance. Just be aware, Mars is still Out of Bounds, so try to choose your words carefully and listen with empathy and compassion.
On May 15th, Mars goes into Cancer. Mars Out of Bounds in Cancer means we are very prone to be overly sensitive to criticism, even if it is constructive. Breathe and really try to listen to what is being said. Ask yourself if it is true, and treat yourself with loving kindness. As Cancer is all about the home and nurturing those you consider family, your energy may divert to domestic affairs of cleaning the house and getting rid of clutter. Venus also goes into Taurus, changing the vibe. Venus loves being in Taurus. It is a cautionary time for eating and drinking. Venus in Taurus loves to enjoy life's pleasures, maybe too much. It is a time to be aware if you get too comfortable in a situation that needs some change. Venus in Taurus will resist change, and can indicate getting stuck in a groove.
On May 18th is a Full Moon in Scorpio at 3:11pm MST. This Full Moon is a fixed water sign. It is passionate, resourceful, secretive, and intense. Scorpio rules the 8th house of healing and transformation. This Full Moon is opposite the Sun in the sky, which is the definition of a Full Moon. The Sun is still in Taurus, but it is next to Mercury in the sky during this Full Moon. Mercury in Taurus is giving grounded thinking to this time. This is a time to delve deep into your feelings and thoughts and ascertain what is still left unhealed. Shallow relationships will not satisfy you any longer, and they will likely fall away. Deep romantic relationships will be boosted intimately with this Full Moon, and will bring you closer to those who truly love you.
May 21st the Sun moves into Gemini with Mercury - Happy Birthday Geminis! Gemini season brings great conversations, social functions, and new friend ships. Mercury loves to be in Gemini. It is chatty, inspired, and creative in this sign. It is a great time write, speak, and socialize.
Wishing you a wonderful May!