
Thank-you for signing up for the 21 Day Challenge! I am so excited for where this challenge will take you! There will be a definite transformation and awareness shift if you can commit to the 21 day challenge fully and completely.

A confirmation email is on the way to your email inbox. You should receive your login and password for the site, and every morning at 8am MST you will receive the next video and worksheet to complete. The Facebook group will help you stay on track and motivated. There will even be some prompts to share your answers in the Facebook group. I am all about a safe and private community to help my clients grow. This group will be a safe place to be seen and heard as you learn more about yourself inside this challenge.

Please click this link to enter the Facebook group to get started:


If you do not receive a welcome email in the next 24 hours, please email storys@shaw.ca.

We are always happy to help and support you in your journey!

Welcome to an exciting 21 days ahead!