Reclaiming Your Life After Loss
A 3-Month Journey of Purposeful Self Discovery and Healing After Loss
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Have you been through a life-changing event, incident or experience that turned your life upside down?
After a major loss in your life, nothing remains the same. Your beliefs, your values, your relationships, your passions and purpose, and even the way you feel about yourself (and your future) has changed.
Grief can feel so isolating! Not only does it feel like your world exploded, but often the people in your life expect you to move on as though nothing happened.
You may be asking questions like what’s next? What makes me happy? What do I want out of life now? What’s my purpose?
If you’ve been asking these questions, this program is for you!
This program is for you if:
If you feel like it is time to transform the pain of your loss into peaceful purpose, then this program is for you!

Welcome to Reclaiming Your Life After Loss
12 weeks to get clear on who you are now after loss, what your soul self is calling you forward into, and the next steps to get clear on what a full rich life looks and feels like for you NOW.
By the end of this program you’ll walk away with clarity on:
Who you are now.
What your soul self is calling you forward into.
What a full rich life looks and feels like for you now.
The next steps on how to walk out your purpose.
Feel supported to honour the process while looking ahead with hope, surrounded by people who know what loss and grief feel like and the toll it can take on your life.
“Sheetal arrived at a pivotal time in my life, and her spiritual light has upgraded my life.”
I highly recommend this program! Sheetal is an amazing coach. As someone who has taken this course, it provided me with so much. I now have more confidence, greater awareness of self, and a better understanding of things.
"I highly recommend this to anyone interested. She is amazing and will give you insights beyond what you can imagine!"
“The work you do is your true calling, the love, light and wisdom you give graciously-my cup runneth over with gratitude-as your beautiful gifts helped me process my darkest days, which than gave me hope, renewed trust and faith in myself.”
"As a result of working with Sheetal, new chapters have opened in my life. Without your help, I would not be where I am today."
Core Program Concepts
Supportive Grief Counselling & Integration
Discover Your Purpose
Understand Who You Are Now
Rediscover Your Why
Realign Your Life To Your New Goals
Intuition Development
Future Visioning
Future Visioning
“ I lost my husband in January of this year and my best friend set up a mediumship/Tarot reading for me in April with you. I just wanted you to know that everything you told me that was going to happen has been happening in the exact time you said it would. I listen to the recording of your reading many times. It brings me comfort and strength to move forward. Hearing you connect to my husband’s spirit and sending the love from him, my parents and my baby helps me get through this most painful time. Since you have come into my life, my life has been changing. I can’t tell you how grateful I am that you are part of my journey.”
Picture yourself 3 months from now…
Imagine that everything you’ve been through is the fuel to propel you forward into your next level life.
The fires you’ve walked through is the fuel to help you step into your soul-led purpose and embody your true mission and the gifts that await.
It’s time to reclaim your peace through purpose.
A Love Note from Sheetal
Grief is an interesting thing.
Like a forest fire clears away the land, it also sets forth space for new things to grow. The truth is, without a fire, there are certain pine cones and seeds that would not be able to open. The fire literally is needed to bring them to life. And sometimes our purpose is born from the fires of our loss.
I’ve walked through fires of loss in my life. And, as a psychic and medium I have the gift to see the purpose and meaning often created by those exact fires that feel like they are ripping your heart out.
This is why I care so deeply about walking others through the fire.
I would love to show you the purpose and reconnect you to the peace on the new path that awaits you…
With love,