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Leave the noise of the world behind, drop into the wisdom of your soul, and unlock your path to joyful alignment!

Flow with the energy of the Universe and learn how to read the signs to become a magical manifestation goddess that you were born to be. 

Picture this: a sanctuary where love, joy, and ease reign supreme, guiding you back to your heart's center week after week.

A refuge from the chaos of the world, where you're reminded of the abundant truth of who you are. When life's challenges threaten to overwhelm, it's easy to lose sight of our power and succumb to fear and hopelessness. But enough with that draining energy! It's time to reclaim your power and rewrite your story.


manifestation, intuition, & astrology

M.I.A. Academy is an earth school designed to assist truth seekers who are eager to harness the powers of Manifestation, Intuition, and Astrology. Here, you'll uncover the keys to navigate this lifetime with soulful alignment, effortlessly flowing past life's obstacles, healing old wounds, and embracing a tapestry of joyful experiences. This space will bring you back to the truth of your soul - that you were made to enjoy life and experience this life from the seat of the soul. And not from the seat of the ego.

Sheetal brings a grounding energy for you to be completely yourself. She brings a safe space. 

She brings you tools that seem simple, but are actually very intentional on how you show up for your days. And the group of women that she attracts are like-minded people, just amazing energy that are trying to figure out how to touch more into their intuitiveness, their skills that we all have. She brings a level of comfort. She brings a level of fun, and she brings a level of realness and you really do learn a lot from being with Sheetal.

- DB

Before you came here, you gave yourself a series of check-points to hit along the way.

You had soul contracts to fulfill, and you choose to be born into specific factors that would help shape you to live out the life lessons you came here to learn. Those factors include the way you look, your parents, the location and time you were born into, and some of the very hard things that happened to you in childhood and beyond. Those events (good and bad) have created the amazing human that is reading this now. When we can see the opportunity these events have created, we are able to find gratitude and heal in a way that empowers us. Everything happens for an opportunity, especially the crappy stuff!

Feeling lost? Unsure if you can trust your intuition? Want more magic and support in your life? Then welcome to MIA Academy—a sanctuary crafted precisely for souls like yours.

This monthly membership will open your mind up to the magical world of manifestation, understanding the cosmos and energy being presented, and learning how to connect deeply with your soul.

We are going to be harnessing 3 life-changing tools + skills we in the MIA Academy. 


Manifestation is the process of bringing abstract desires—like ideas, thoughts, and emotions—into tangible reality. You've been manifesting unconsciously your whole life, but real power lies in intentional manifestation. Many of us are taught to "work harder" for what we want, but this approach often leads to burnout if we’re not energetically aligned with our goals or if the timing isn’t right. Manifestation’s formula—Intention + Emotional Being + Action—helps shift this mindset. While setting intentions and taking action might be familiar, aligning emotionally with what you desire and healing any blocks are crucial. In M.I.A., we address all aspects of this formula to help you manifest with ease.


Intuition is at the heart of all my programs because it’s the compass guiding your entire life. Those gut feelings, intuitive nudges, and just knowing without logic—are the infinite intelligence of your soul, which has been with you for lifetimes. Yet, we often judge, deny, or rationalize it away because our brains are wired to seek safety and survival through external validation. Over time, we learn that our inner knowing holds far more wisdom than external influences. It’s time to stop seeking validation from the outside world and let your inner intelligence take the lead. Are you ready to let it drive the bus?


Astrology is a powerful tool to help us understand the cosmic flow of energy, both collectively and personally, guiding us to our best outcomes with ease. With over six years of schooling and certification, I’ve learned to simplify astrology, making it easy to understand and apply. My goal is to provide you with clear, tangible steps so you can align with the energy around you and manifest your best life. Imagine how much easier life could be if you understood the opportunities presenting themselves right now, flowing with them rather than forcing outcomes.


Sheetal! If I hadn’t taken your intuition courses I don’t know where I’d be right now. I trusted my intuition, paid attention to the signs, stood up for myself, quit a “good job”, signed up and was accepted into school… today I found out that after all my applications I will received $17,375 dollars in grants for college!!! My entire tuition is just over $20,000. I’m even eligible for more after my first year.


Also, I wanted to let you know that when I made my vision board and put "pay off debt in 2020" I really thought it would be a slim chance that I would end the year debt free. But, I've already paid off 75% of that debt! I'm due to have it totally paid off by the end of June. WOW. So amazing. I feel it. I look at my vision board every single morning and night and I feel it teaching me and encouraging me. Thank you for everything.


I had such a great time Sheetal! Thank you for accommodating my schedule. My vision board is beautiful and inspiring. I am so grateful for getting to spend the day with all the positive energy and loving kindness from all the fabulous ladies who were there. You really are wonderful at what you do!!!


My life has been so positively impacted since working with Sheetal. I notice such a difference in my demeanour, interactions and actions on a daily basis. I now maintain healthy boundaries, have an incredible toolbox of self-care rituals, my mental chatter is more easily managed and I have a profound respect for myself, goals and needs!


Such a caring, supportive & knowledgeable approach you take, Sheetal... allowing space for everyone to engage & fully understand their experiences in each moment! Amazing!!


“I have much to learn and experience and having a group like this is soooo helpful 💜 So thank you Sheetal.”


You’re a fantastic guide and a blessing to all humankind. It’s like I’m now on this greased up racetrack on a slick sled.


Sheetal YOUR Intuitive Development Course has guided me to hearing, trusting, boundaries, which I am still working on! Protecting my Aura was a huge one for me as well. Grateful for all the great teachers and healers in our Community! Thanks again Sheetal!


MIA Academy Includes

Weekly pre-recorded lessons on Manifestation, Astrology, and Intuition

Every week you will get a pre-recorded lesson in the membership hub to do for the week to help you lock in the learning in one of the 3 areas - Manifestation, Intuition, Astrology.

Monthly 1hr Q&A Facebook Live Calls

Once a month there will be a Q&A in our private Facebook group where I will answer all your questions about the material.

Monthly 1hr Live Group Exercises

Once a month we will have a group exercise live that you can attend and dive deeper into learning and provide hands-on experience. You'll also receive bonus monthly challenges.


we start April 7, 2025

12 monthly payments


  • Video Vault weekly videos
  • Monthly FB Live for all the Q&A that comes up throughout the month
  • Monthly evening 1hr class on Manifestation or Intuition Development. 
  • Private Facebook Group

Plus some extra goodies!

When you join MIA Academy, you also get the following bonuses.

Bonus #1

access to my pre-recorded Vision Board Workshop

Value: $97

Bonus #2

access to my pre-recorded Astrology for 2025 workshop

 Value: $97

Bonus #3

1hr live Pendulum Workshop

May 7th 2025 (10:30am-11:30pm MST live - replay available)

Value: $97

Bonus #4

30 Day Mindfulness Challenge

Starts May 1 (Held in a private Facebook Community)

Value: $97

AND Bonuses from all future MIA launches* (quarterly)

*must be a current MIA member in good standing at the time of the workshop

Imagine igniting your journey with unstoppable momentum and unwavering support, focused on bringing your deepest desires to life.

Manifestation goes beyond mere affirmations or pretending you've already achieved your goals. It's about truly embodying the essence of what you aspire to be, then taking inspired, aligned action. This sense of being-ness stems from your soul. By tapping into your powerful Intuition, trusting and honing it, and using it to guide your next steps, you unlock a transformative journey. Combine this with the cosmic insights of Astrology, and you'll find yourself weaving pure magic.

Ready to create some magic in your life? Join us and let's make it happen!

Join MIA Academy Today!

doors close Mar 31 & We start April 7, 2025

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